For Professionals
Christine D. Moriarty has worked with thousands of people to create financial peace of mind. She is often seen in The Boston Herald as a featured financial planner, and has shared her insights on families and money with publications including USA Today, Good Housekeeping, the Boston Globe, Better Homes and Gardens, Fidelity Focus Magazine and The LA Times.
Christine’s focus is on helping people create both financial stability and personal serenity – even within long term relationships. She often works with businesses and professional organizations providing seminars for their employees and customers. Her talks provide not just critical information, but also a powerful way to change lives. She has extensive public speaking experience including regional financial planning conferences, weekend retreat centers, on-site employee groups, and national trade conferences.
As Seen In:
Quoted In:
How Financial Planners Can Work with Clients with Dementia and Memory Loss - National Association of Financial Planners, 2021
Read More about Christine as the Featured CFP in Financial Therapy Magazine, Fall 2018
How to Handle Client Setbacks: Advice From 6 Industry Gurus
Think Advisor, July 2016
Advisors, Give Your Clients Permission to Spend
Think Advisor, Nov. 2015
Physician Assistance, How to Advise Doctor Clients
Think Advisor, May 2014
What You Need to Know About the Equifax Data Breach
WCAX, September 2017
Christine Moriarty named Vermont Financial Services Advocate by the Small Business Administration (SBA).
Speaking Topics
Does your financial health affect the rest of your life? Of course! But what does financial health really mean? And how can you optimize it in your life? Financial wellness is an intricate balance of the mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of money. This unique combination is an ideal to strive towards in our dealings with money. It is having an understanding of your financial situation and a preparedness for financial change.
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Our elderly population in the United States is expected to reach 80 million by the year 2050. What does this mean for your clients and their loved ones as they retire and beyond? The Money and Memory session is specifically designed for financial and long-term planners to help people with the financial realities that many will encounter. By preparing for the possibilities ahead, individuals can live through retirement with a peace of mind around their financial reality.
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Our interactions with money are one way we demonstrate our growth and self awareness. Couples and Communication: Facts, Fiction and Feelings was developed by Christine Moriarty after working with couples for more than twenty years. She has combined classes, tips and activities to strengthen your relationship with your partner and your money. She offers Couples teleworkshops several times a year that cover the important aspects of sharing money decisions and creating a new level of intimacy by using an interactive and interdependent financial process.
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“Christine has proven to be an invaluable resource to me in building my business. She has been through many of the same trials and triumphs I have just begun facing.”
— Mary K. Courtney-O’Sullivan, CPA, CGMA, CFP®
“I trust Christine implicitly and would heartily recommend her services to anyone looking to take their business to the next level.”
— Courtney Cole, Owner, Voice By Courtney Cole, LLC and prior to that, Head of Client Coverage Americas, National Australia Bank
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