What Makes A Great Day?

Sometimes a great day is when a planned event goes smoothly and well.  Sometimes having no plan creates just what we need. Time to wander.  Follow your intuition.  Or just not be accountable or responsible to the clock.  For others the perfect day is having time alone.  Or even an afternoon alone. 

Yesterday I took my day off in the "Smallest City in the Country.". Vergennes also happens to be a short drive from me.  After a leisurely lunch, I headed slowly for a strong coffee I was craving to write and sit inside from the sun. 

This took awhile as I wandered through every store without a need, care in the world or clock to follow.  When I finally arrived, the coffee shop was closed for an extended vacation.  Disappointed, I headed to the clock shop for an update on our clock being repaired while I thought of it.  After my short but lovely walk there, I found they had also chose to take the day off.  Who was I to comment or be disappointed?  I was doing the same. And after this stop is where my afternoon perked up so to speak. 

There was the chocolate shop.  I had never been in, though I had tried and found the place closed on other days.  Today the sweet smelling and cozy shop was a delight.  With my two pieces of dark chocolate in hand, I sat outside and reveled in the wonderful day writing and savoring the smoothness of my treat.

Sometimes the simple things can feed us if we allow the time.