
Don’t be Complacent! Act Today

Signs Your Thinking & Acting Complacent:

        My vote does not count.

        The stock market always goes up.

         Nothing I can do helps improve the world.

Those are the comments of the complacent.  So now we hear so much about voting.  Get out to vote – And your vote matters.  You have heard all about voting by now.  But have you been complacent in other areas? 

Think specifically about your engagement in your finances.  Taking care of your money and knowing what you have is a key ingredient to financial success.  On the investment side,  believing they always increase is an uninformed statement. By nature, the stock market goes up and down. Position your investments for the long-run, rather than following the latest trends is an important strategy.  You may not have control over the market, but you do over your finances. 

Every day we have opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life.  You do not have to do anything major to improve someone’s life, nor does it have to cost money.  This may be with a phone call, a smile or a kind word.  These things can make a difference for a moment or a day.  Never underestimate your power.

Engagement in our world matters.  Complacency is the problem.  Whether it is your vote, your finances or your community.  You can make a difference. Improve your world intentionally today.