The Best SuperBowl Ad

The Super Bowl has been known for its ads for years.  The cost of the spots as well as their creativity.  The game had special meaning for me this year as a Patriots fan.  I love a good football game and I got it on Sunday.  The bonus was the Patriots winning.

What lingers with me most two days later? One commercial.  The commercial itself was powerful.  The public service announcement advertisement was unique in showing help was out there for domestic violence victims.  The amazing fact that this spot was shown during the Super Bowl did not escape me.  More revealing was knowing that the NFL funded the profound segment.  Something's changing and I appreciated this visual and financial acknowledgement. 

Only when I went looking for this add did I learn the dialogue was from an actual call.  What a fabulous, smart, strong woman! Remember, domestic abuse can happen to anyone.  Let's hope this minute continues to run and the message saves a few more victims. 

If you missed the anti-domestic violence psa, you can watch here: